Structure of the organisation

Enda VN is an INGO with the following components:

The Management board: includes the country director, program manager and the administration and financial manager. The board holds regular meeting every month to discuss and make final decision about the implementation of all projects and overall administrative for the organization.

The project staff: includes all project coordinators and project officers working in deferent projects. The main responsibilities are to work directly with local counterparts and beneficial communities to ensure the implementation, monitoring & evaluation to be in line with the yearly and quarterly action and budget plans and also helps local stakeholders formulate the annual activity and budget plan in accordance with the yearly need assessment conducted at the beginning of every project year and the yearly budget availability announced.

Advisory Board of Enda VN: including country representative and consultants who give strong support for management board.

Staff that works in the organisation

  1. Henri De Rebould/ Country Representative: member of advisory board; working as par-time and voluntary
  2. Tran Thi Minh Chau: member of advisory board; working as par-time and voluntary
  3. Ngo Huy Liem (Mr.)/ Country Director: member of advisory board; leader of management board; working as par-time and voluntary
  4. Nguyen Thi Hoai Linh/ Program Manager: full-time; member of management board.
  5. Nguyen Thi Hoang Dung/ Project Officer: full-time
  6. Pham Thuy Thanh Tuyen/ Project Officer: full-time
  7. Nguyen Thi Hue/ Cashier cum body yard: full-time

