“Towards social protection and inclusion of informal waste pickers and recyclers in HCMC” project

  1. Project name: Towards social protection and inclusion of informal waste pickers and recyclers in HCMC
  2. Donor: European Commission
  3. Project period: 2011 – 2014
  4. Project area: at 8 districts in HCMC: District 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, Binh Thanh, Go Vap and Thu Duc.
  5. Beneficiaries:
  • 1,400 independent waste collectors (IWCs) of 8 project districts (Dist 4-5-6-10-11-Binh Thanh- Go Vap and Thu Duc
  • Chairmen/chair women of IWCs associations, cooperatives in 8 project districts (Dist 4-5-6-10-11-Binh Thanh- Go Vap-Thu Duc).
  • In direct beneficiaries: informal waste collectors and their family working and living in Ho Chi Minh.
  1. Project partners:
  • Department of Natural Resource and Environment (DONRE).
  • Department of Labour, Invalid and Social Affairs (Dolisa).
  • Cooperative Alliance.
  • HCMC social insurance
  1. Project objectives
  • To improve the working conditions of the informal IWPR, reducing risk factors on health.
  • To improve the access to health insurance and services for IWPRs at local level.
  • To insert or stabilize 6 IWCs organizations into integrated waste management systems.